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For so long I have admired, lusted over and desired a designer handbag.

YSl, Chloe, Gucci, Louis Vutton, Chanel ohh the choices, but I like many others have never taken the plunge and bought one. When I get close to purchasing one reality sets in and I remind myself that the cost of buying one of these luxury beauties could fly me around the world.

If money were no object then I would have them all! But in reality, and with the next ‘IT’ bag always around the corner, I can’t fathom spending so much on myself on one item.

A little while ago whilst stalking a fellow Australian bloggers Instagram page, I saw that they had a new fabulous designer handbag. I read on to discover that she didn’t own the bag but had borrowed it from a company in Australia. This appealed to me so much so I hunted for something similar in the UK and discovered Borrow From Bagsy.

In the same way that celebrities borrow clothes and accessories, you or I can borrow these luxury handbags for a week, two weeks, a month or longer at a time.

For me this is absolutely fantastic, it gives me access to designer bags that I couldn’t fathom buying outright to use in my photo shoots, or at events and then borrow another when I desire a new one.

One of the best parts of it is that there isn’t a signup or subscription fee and the postage to return the bag is prepaid.

My Yves Saint Laurent shoulder bag was £99 for 1 weeks hire, it came in pristine condition. I was giddy when I opened the box, and when my husband got home I dashed to show him my gorgeous bag. He didn’t get why I was so excited over a handbag but he’s not into fashion like me! I went out for a couple of drinks with my friends and I showed them the bag and we all cooed over it.

You can Borrow From Bagsy here:


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