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Friendships are strange.

We pick a person, and decide that we will share our secrets with them, our ups and our downs.

But what about when a friendship is perhaps more damaging than it is good?

As with a relationship, it is hard to cut the cord with a close friend when you have shared so much together. Sometimes, as much as you love and care for someone, you know that you have to move on...

I went through this myself.

I watched the friend I loved become a shadow of her former self.

For years I tried to support her through her difficulties just as she had always supported me as best she could. I was there at the hospital and when she had days where she couldn't get off the sofa.

Eventually I realised that I couldn't make her better, I couldn't make her the happy girl she used to be and every time I saw her or spoke to her it made me deeply sad and her actions worried me and it got me down.

It wasn't easy ending that friendship. She was like my sister and I still often think of my old friend and wonder if I did the right thing, but more than that I hope she is in a happier place.

Sometimes you grow with people and other times I guess you have to accept that you are not the people you once were and know when the right time is to move on.

They say that you are an amalgamation of your three closest friends... so choose wisely!


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