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Tick Tock

I've had an on and off relationship with watches over the years.

As a child I would go through phases, wear a watch for months then not wear one for a year. I can still remember the day when my Father taught me to tell the time, we were at the annual Christmas stay at my Grandmothers. At high school one of my friends was obsessed with watches. She had a watch for every day of the year, and they suited her. I wasn't so sure if the same could be said for me.

For my 18th birthday, my parents bought me a very expensive Gucci watch. It was shaped in a teardrop and I had seen it in a shop window a few weeks prior when looking at jewellery for my Mother and in had made a passing comment on it. I never expected them to buy me it as I had seen the price tag! To this day I have never worn the watch out of the house. It sits in my jewellery box, time has stopped for it and it is too precious and sentimental for me to ever wear for fear of loosing or breaking it.

After school I took up my career in nursing. The 'bare below the elbow' rule meant that watches were out of the question. However I was gifted a lovely fob watch with my name engraved in it from my family and when I remember to wear it that for a long time was the only watch I wore.

Lately, I have rediscovered watches. I cannot wear them during working hours and I am so unused to wearing one that I only put my latest purchase on when I am going out, seeing friends or to go with an outfit.

After looking around at many different shapes and styles, I decided that with my 6ft frame and long fingers, a large watch face would best suit me. I also wanted a silver face as most of my rings are sterling silver.

I decided to go with the Daniel Wellington Classic Mawes 36mm design with the tan leather strap and simple silver dial for £159 from I get complimented on it regularly and asked what model it is frequently so I wanted to share this with you. It simple, elegant and would make the perfect present.



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