I've had a love/hate relationship with hairdressers over the years.
My first trip to the hairdressers was aged 6, my mum took me to get a fringe put in at my request. Unfortunately for me, the hairdresser created a fringe that contained most of my hair. Needless to say, my mother didn't take me to the hairdressers ever again.
As a teenager, I would dye my hair different colours on a monthly basis with a bottle from the shops causeing no end of damage to my poor mane on top of the straightening, curling, crimping, you name it, I did it.
By my 20s I could finally afford to go to an actual salon to get my colour fixed. This was a whole new experience for me having not stepped foot in a hair salon since I was a child and I was nervous as to whether they would do what I wanted or what they wanted with my hair.
Along the way there were hairdressers that got a bit 'snaphappy' and cut off more than I would have liked but I also discovered the joy of highlights and and hair colour that wasn't 'Simpsons yellow' anymore but a toned silvery blonde.
The best bit of the salon experience for me is when they wash and massage my hair. This is why I go to Toni & Guy, I discovered that although I pay a bit more, they will spend around 15 minutes massaging my hair, shampooing, toning and conditioning as part of the service and I'm able to switch off and forget all about the noise of the hairdryers and chatter around me and just enjoy.
My current hairdresser is the opposite of a 'stereotypical' male hairdresser. He loves all things rock and roll and has tattoos and a beard. He's runs the Toni and Guy salon that I frequent and was recently been awarded Toni & Guy salon of the year, and you can see why. The staff are friendly, warm and welcoming. They offer me drinks and magazines and seeing my colourist is just like hanging around with a mate. He remembers things I've spoken to him about and seems to take a genuine interest.
So, despite my haunting memories of hairdressers from the past, I now look forward to my 6 weekly salon visit and massage!