My parents have little understanding or care for fashion and beauty. My mother says it skipped a generation. She doesn't understand what mascara is whereas neither of my grandmothers would leave the house without applying lipstick.
My father wears socks with sandals (even to nice restaurants) and wears those light coloured jeans that no man should have be seen in since the 90s. He detests makeup and my mother doesn't understand why I enjoy putting 'gunk' on my face.
As a teenager there were many traumatic makeup faux pas, I had no one to learn or get tips from, and this was before the days of 1000s of YouTube makeup tutorials.
I think the worst blunder has to be the eyebrow shaving of 2001. I thought it would look better if I shaved my eyebrows off completely and drew them on, (in the days of decent eyebrow pencils). All photos of this time of my life were burned or destroyed but I survived to tell the tale and considering all the various other fashion and beauty indiscretions I think I turned out okay.
I completely respect my parents for their 'fashion' outlook and now the socks with sandals and 90s light blue jeans just feel like home.